They lied when they told you to dream big.


Because when I finally did, you realize that this world does not consist of only yourself but others. These “others” can just as easily shoot those dreams down. Sometimes I can’t comprehend how the world is so unfair like that.

I despise you for not even trying to offer me help. I despise the fact that I’m constrained by not the financial issue but the fact that you never did encourage me to pursue it. Everything was about how I had to do things on my own. Isn’t it enough that I’m burdened by my academics.

Yknow what. Somewhere inside me, those dreams died today. But as I bury these dreams, I vow to work hard and to strike it out on my own. And when I’ve a child to call my own, I will provide her/him with only the best.
Today I learn a very important lesson. That it takes guts to pursue a dream not because of the challenges that await but because the world is unfair that way. You don’t always get what you want. So as easy as it is to dream big, remember that it is just as easy for someone to shoot ’em down.

I guess it ends here. Days of dreaming, of researching for a better prospective future ends here. Now that that’s out of the way, there’s only one way to prove my worth and that is to focus on the one important thing in my life right now.

With much love (and regrets),

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